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Girls Trip

What I learned from a movie. I have decided to start blogging again and this is one that was never posted. So I took myself to se...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hard lesson but one learned

I have experienced a lot of changes in my life over the last six months. From losing my job, cutting off all of my hair but the most devastating was the death of  kris. But before she left this life Kris gave me something that I will never forget. We were talking about her illness and I asked her if she wanted me to inform people we had in common and she said NO because they would not care the way I need them too. So time goes on and my desire to see Kris and her daughter Faith was growing stronger. She was constantly on my mind and so I decided to suprise her and go to where she was to be on Friday and take her home so we could talk and I could see Faith. I waited for about 1 1/2 hr and she never came out of the building so I went home only to have the phone ring 30 minutes later informing me of her death. While I was waiting to suprise her she was leaving us. She left behind a 5yr old daughter for us to love and cherish. We all who love Kris will now shower it on Faith. Kris lesson to me was clear out and stay away from those who can't or won't love you the way you need them too and make sure that those you love know it. My comfort is that she knew that I cared for her and Faith. My regret is that I did not go to her when the desire to see her and Faith first struck. I kept saying I'll call tomrrow or I'll go tomrrow and in this case tomorrow was to late.


  1. Great first start D. I am sure that Kris not only felt your love, but knew that same love would embrace her child.

    I am so proud to see you blogging and releasing your feelings in such a positive way. Looking forward to reading more.

  2. Beautiful post that makes us all think about tomorrow may be too late, DO IT TODAY!!!
